
Interesting article for wattpad authors:


I've had to drop the substantive edit from my services. I find myself getting too involved and that's not a good thing when I should be concentrating on my last semester of graduate school. Copy edits are still available.


just wonder how did you get into editing etc? im interested in becoming an editor or author once i graduate high school etc and would love to hear your story (inbox me maybe?)


I spent my high school years taking courses like advanced reading and four years of art. I hung out with English teachers after graduating high school. My aptitude tests all pointed towards creative pursuits. But my injudicious sensibilities told me to study something more practical. 
            It took me a number of years to return to words. Once I did, study became more fun and less laborious. I enjoyed working on the university newspaper in any capacity. I went right into graduate study from my Bachelor's.
            Best wishes to you and whatever road you take!


Hello and welcome! I was hoping for you to help me out with my book but if has yet to be 75% done! If you plan on staying on wattpad for a while I hope to communicate with you sometime soon. Just wanted to give you a heads up because I am almost there!


Thank you for the welcome Mariel.
            It sounds like you are very close to completing your manuscript and that is wonderful (something I've never been able to do). Keep up the good work and don't forget to celebrate milestones!


          Welcome to Wattpad! 
          I'm looking for an editor, but sadly I haven't met your expectation: my writing now only has 5 short chapters, and totally not 75% yet.
          You seem like an amazing editor, welcome here! :)


Thank you for the warm welcome Lulu. 
            Every chapter written is an accomplishment in and of itself, so never discount that. I'm looking forward to a regular progress report so you can have someone to celebrate with.