
@ophielanotfound is evil but we love them/him/her anyways.


@ophielanotfound good the receptions in a month (see what I did there? Pls do im trying to be funny. It hasn't worked out for me so far this year-)


@ophielanotfound is evil but we love them/him/her anyways.


@ophielanotfound good the receptions in a month (see what I did there? Pls do im trying to be funny. It hasn't worked out for me so far this year-)


wait- this is a conversation i had with my mom, ok?
          "my friends havent really been talkng to me lately. i talk to (6 guys that are close friends of mine) but (2 girls that are friends with me) dont talk to me that much anymore.."
          "hm. so would you say you're on of the bois?" (this was my mom)
          HGXCJHGFFG WHAT--  i would be honored to be part of the homie group- 
          so i guess im one of the bois. suck on that. you wish you could be me >:) 
          (im joking- pls dont cancle me-)
           so i said "um- yeah ig? im one of the homies-"