
here for jesse mcree rn.. overwatch knew exactly what they were doin by makin a hot cowboy character voiced by MATTHEW MERCER. whew LORD


so tired of trying to read draco malfoy fics that are very hyped up just for the writing and character set up to be bad and it be obvious that it’s only popular for the smut, even though in most of these stories, the smut isn’t even that good. c’mon y’all.


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not me reading wattpad fanfics to distract myself from this scary ass mf election so i don’t get a panic attack teehee. also voting during a pandemic sux especially when you live in HOT ass southern california. my dad made me wait in line with him to vote in person even though i already handed my ballot in lmfao 


the sheer amount of different fanfics i’ve read in the past couple days is absolutely disgusting. i’m usually only on ao3 and i’m notorious for hating this app but not rn. i used to be super picky abt what i read and i kinda still am rn but i rlly just be reading EVERYTHING. reading fanfic as a coping mechanism type beat


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kinda just realized that i lowkey really got all my followers bc my dumbass comments i-  i <3 y’all omg thank you for accepting my DUMB ass


@dazesix omg thank you legend


@lmaogottazayn just another person who loves your comments uwu