omg i called a character in a book a pick me and all hell has broken loose apparently. pretty sure the author went on a backup acc to argue with me, it’s so entertaining LOLL
omg i called a character in a book a pick me and all hell has broken loose apparently. pretty sure the author went on a backup acc to argue with me, it’s so entertaining LOLL
Hey beautiful soul, I don't mean to be a bother but i was wondering if you could check out my book. Any feedback absolutely anything id be grateful. And maybe we can be freinds :)
Hey sorry to disturb but you’re also reading the story FOUR right? And I wanted to ask if it wasn’t working for you too I’ve been trying but it just won’t work
So I wanted to ask if you are following the author could you send me their @
@vernessikins well considering we aren't even from the same place for us to have the same grading system tells me u need to brush up on a lot more than ur maths skills buddy. i said to get better at maths as a joke. cry about it. (i say maths not math. from the UK if u couldn't tell).