
Hi, I was about to read Be Mines & Mines Only again since it was so amazing, but when I went to go read it, it said that it was unable to download. It has been doing that for over a week and I was wondering if you have deleted the story?? I hope you haven't it's so great and well written and I enjoyed it so much and I hope other people get to enjoy it as much as I did. If you wouldn't mind responding for me please I would really appreciate it thank you!! 


Ok thank you for responding. And you're welcome for the supper it was such a great read I want to read it again. If you don't mind, let me know when you put it back up, please. Thank you so much for your time to respond!!


@olitzmerderbenley thank you for* sorry forgot to add spaces x)


@olitzmerderbenley thankbyoubfor the support :)! I have sadly tooken it down to do some edits on the book. Im still adding chapters. Sadly, it will take a while since I have work, and a few problems. It will be up soon! 


hey sorry to interapt but I was reading :just be mines and only mines and I was wondering if your gonna write more chapters or thats the end??????


@haurbasic oh thank god!!!!! I don't think I could leave if that was the end!!!! I actually cried when I thought that that was the end!!!!! thank you so much for responding!!!! ❤❤✌✌


@kwnnadirectioner Hello, Thank you for reading  Yes there are more chapters to be added. I'm still writing the next chapter. 