
Hiya there! im back for another useless rant here after 2 years of inactivity or is it 3? Anyhoo, after bingewatching anime after anime I came across Attack On titan on netflix and you can imagin how I got hooked after the first episode! thusly, I've decided on writing one about it. am i too late for this trend tho? ABSOLUTELY. But if you're interested for some gory details about my new AOT fanfic titled "Against All Odds". Click this link right here. Enjoy!


Hiya there! im back for another useless rant here after 2 years of inactivity or is it 3? Anyhoo, after bingewatching anime after anime I came across Attack On titan on netflix and you can imagin how I got hooked after the first episode! thusly, I've decided on writing one about it. am i too late for this trend tho? ABSOLUTELY. But if you're interested for some gory details about my new AOT fanfic titled "Against All Odds". Click this link right here. Enjoy!


Hello there lovelies to those who have read or currently reading my other work, gakuen Alice fanfic: Wolf Girl From The Alice Country. Ring a bell? So regarding that I'll be unpublishing that story for a while. Since it turns out that doing a third person pov all the time is so much hard than lounging around. But that doesn't mean I'll discontinue it, I'll only doing some heavy editing on the chapters that I've previously made before republishing it again. And maybe shifting back to doing first person like usual. 
          Thanks for taking the time to read this and hope you'll continue to support my other works. Oh before I forget, to those who do third person so smoothly I salute you! Literally.


@TheWateringhole yes I'm glad you asked that ^^ so due to the unexpected interferences we've left the story off for at least three months now so to make it up to you guys I'm planning on having at least three or four updates this week or next if I hurry up the process. But for you guys, I'll do my best to slap myself awake and make it quick! Aside from that, Fuuto will finally make an appearance in the upcoming chapters *0* and the whole family are in for an awesome summer vacay filled with fluffs and a liiiitle bit of cliche romance so stay tuned~ 


@TheWateringhole Okie dokie~ Do you also have any news about future updates for the brothers conflict fanfic? c:


hey, hey, hey!! <33 thanks for adding my haikyuu fics to your reading list, it really makes me happy ngl <3


@TheWateringhole you've made my day ;; thank you and i'm so glad I've done some good <3 <3 i hope you have a wonderful awesome day yo <3 <3


@BalladPhoenix please you deserved it raita-san ^^ The way you write your stories with absolute passion and dedication really makes me respect you as a fellow writer. Thank you so much for your time in making these wonderful books to readers like me. You're such a good example ^^


Hiya just asking if has anyone watched the 2019 anime series, Dororo cause if you do, you're in luck then! I just finished watching it last week and man did it have an impact on me so I made a fanfic asap after. I just published the first chapter so if you're interested go check it! 
          Click the link here and enjooooy~


@TheWateringhole oh thank you I'm glad that you are ^^ I hope not to disappoint tho ♥


@TheWateringhole  I have! Goodness I'm so excited for this 