
Norman Reedus is so hot 


So, thanks to a commenter on Mad Tsai's music video for the song Killer Queen (amazing song by the way. Check it out!), I have another story idea. The plot is based off the song and the comment that the before mentioned commenter said. Therefore, when I actually get to publishing this damn thing, I will be giving credit to that commenter. Here's a sneak peek though!
          I froze in my place as I took in the horror displayed. I raised my hand to my mouth to muffle my breathing. I was hiding in this closet, witnessing a murder. I was bearing witness to a crime - a brutal one, too. 
          I watched, tears blurring my vision as she continued to plunge the knife into her chest. I had never prayed a day in my life. This was my first as I closed my eyes, praying this was a dream. If it wasn't a dream, I was praying she wouldn't find me. I don't want to die.


this message may be offensive
I saw some bitch say some dumb shit - let's call them bozo.
          Bozo: "ThE cOnStItIoN nEvEr SaId AnYtHiNg AbOuT sEpErAtInG sTaTe FrOm ThE cHuRcH". 
          An ACTUALLY EDUCATED INDIVIDUAL:  *quotes the establishment clause from the first amendment of the Constitution*
          If you do this, go back to school. It's common knowledge the Constitution includes separating the church from the state. I'm not saying this to be mean either but, if someone gives a quote from the Constitution and instead of researching, you call them a liar because they say you're wrong, you're willfully being ignorant at this point. Willful ignorance such as that will only cause so many problems for everyone who isn't religious. 
          As a Wiccan, if the government one day decided to make Christianity or Atheism, or EVEN Wicca the national religion I'd be upset. Not all people are Atheist, not all people are Christians, and not all people are Wiccans. To force any religion onto another is wrong - no if, ands, or buts about it. Hence why religion should play no place in our government or politics.


Someone: Let me read fanfiction without hearing about classic authors.
          Me: *cackles in BSD fan who's read Poe, started two books by Dazai Osamu that I never finished, and began Crime and Punishment but again never finished while simultaneously reading fanfiction about characters named after these individuals and inspired by their characters of certain books* 


Casting Crew: *insert black actor/actress name* is casted to play *insert white character* 
          Some rando: No you can't cast *insert black actor/actress name* as *insert white character*! It's not historically accurate 
          Me: *reminds them it's fictional, so technically historical accuracy isn't necessary*
          Rando: It's not book accurate though.
          Casting Crew: *insert some white, blonde actor/actress* is casted to play *insert white, black haired character*
          Rando: This is amazing
          Me: What happened to "book accuracy"?
          Quick Note: If you got a problem with a black actor/actress playing a white character but, have no problem with a blonde actor/actress playing a black haired character, that's not being "concerned about book accuracy", that's being racist! 
          So, please, stop using book accuracy as an excuse.