Exam season and I didn't even watch the muster and I didn't finish studying but still here I go,
If someone came to them, eight years ago and told them you'll be very successful and break world records, they would've laughed at them and told them to check their head.
I'm not saying they didn't believe themselves, I'm saying it would sound so surreal to them, and it still is.
Who they were and who they are, looking at both of them, you would never imagine they are the same people. Yes, they did change, yes they did struggle, but they found their joy in the mix.
Saying I support these people, and proudly. They looked out for me, they gave me advice, they asked if I'm okay, told me to take care of myself...and they still do.
I'm not gonna hit it with the classic "they taught me to love myself", I'm gonna say I loved me through them, and they loved them to me, even though they don't know me.
So I'm here to say, thank you. Thank you for making me realize something; not everyone has this someone who looks after them this way. I've seen this comment once on a video about Jimin "if you can't find a Jimin, be a Jimin in others life". So I'll try to do the same to others. Check up on them, help them, encourage them, guide them.... Cause this is what would make someone a little happier.
Congratulations to every army out there who might be reading this! We've come this far, and we're still going. And the biggest thank you and congratulations to bangtan, my backbone, my wings, my most beautiful moment in life, my blood sweat and tears, my biggest happiness, my first chapter, my biggest happiness
Congratulations, bts.