
Teaser for upcoming story. 
          	Titled: Rewriting the Future 
          	Setting: set both in the past and starting in the Goblet of Fire era.
          	Ship: Bellamione 
          	September 1, 1967
          	15 year old Bellatrix Black goes back to Hogwarts with the aim of protecting her sisters from a new partner her father is interesting in conspiring with. She has been promised to a boy she despises and she’s desperate for a way out. Waiting for her in her dorm room is a note with two wrapped parcels. The next thing she knows is she’s in London and it’s September 1st 1994 and all she has is an address to a location she’s never been before.
          	Can Bellatrix rewrite her future before it’s even begun? 
          	Stay tuned! 


Teaser for upcoming story. 
          Titled: Rewriting the Future 
          Setting: set both in the past and starting in the Goblet of Fire era.
          Ship: Bellamione 
          September 1, 1967
          15 year old Bellatrix Black goes back to Hogwarts with the aim of protecting her sisters from a new partner her father is interesting in conspiring with. She has been promised to a boy she despises and she’s desperate for a way out. Waiting for her in her dorm room is a note with two wrapped parcels. The next thing she knows is she’s in London and it’s September 1st 1994 and all she has is an address to a location she’s never been before.
          Can Bellatrix rewrite her future before it’s even begun? 
          Stay tuned! 


          Yelena and Wanda had been in the kitchen preparing a large dinner all afternoon. Natasha made her way back in after being kicked out numerous times. She asked Yelena if she knew where her girlfriend was at because she had gotten a notification on her phone from Door Dash.
          Yelena made her way to their room and saw Kate sharing a pizza with Lucky and Fanny. “Kate Bishop, we’ve been preparing food all day. What are you doing in here?”
          “Eating and watching the parade,” she saw a disappointed look on her girlfriend’s face. “But I’m a growing woman. You can’t possibly expect me to wait. It’s not my fault we got hungry.”
          “You could’ve come into the kitchen,” Yelena sat down on the floor with everyone.
          “Oh no,” Kate shook her head, “I saw the way Wanda yelled at Natasha for sneaking some sweet potatoes. I’m happy here.”
          “Okay, little hawk,” Yelena kissed her cheek. “I will call you when dinner is ready. You better have room.”
          Kate reached out and grabbed Yelena’s arm, “can’t you stay and watch some of the parade with us?”
          Yelena’s heart clenched looking at her girlfriend and the pups. She immediately sat down, wrapping her arm around Kate’s shoulders, “Americans do love a parade.”
          Kate rested her head on Yelena’s shoulder, “not as much as I love you, babe.”


Just to address some Shade that has been thrown at me… I don’t steal people’s works. I’ve been writing fics long enough to come up with my own stories and plots. 
          Books and fanfics are written with recurring themes because there’s only so many places and situations you can put characters into. 
          The plots to all of my fanfics have been originally thought of and I can assure you that the Electric Touch is my own. I also realize I don’t have to defend myself. 
          I’m also not going to use my platform to put on other authors and their work because that’s just tacky. 
          Read it or don’t read it. That’s up to you… but if you do read it enjoy!