To all the people who have Mid-sized bodies, don't listen to anyone Espically for girls because women need to have 20-30% of fat in their body to have a healthy body and besides the BMI is said to be inaccurate by so many professional doctors. Infact it's true, the creator of BMI; Adolphe Quetelet was a mathematician....he wasn't even a biologist to even know how much of fat, muscle and bones make a good body composition for a women (women's body composition is different from a man's). And doctors today are pointing out how inaccurate that is. Even Adolphe Quetelet himself mentioned that it's inaccurate once but people still went along with it in the 19th century and do even today.
So next time someone tells you are fat for having a Mid-sized body or having a high BMI rate, remember that they dumbly follow a man that didn't even know that muscle weights more than fat and had absolute no idea on how a women's body composition even works. Besides it's proven by surgeons that some really do have have big bones! (Including me) So don't let anyone tell you what you are. ༼ つ ◕‿◕ ༽つ