hello happy new year people! i haven't been on wattpad in forever and a day, but i had a sudden thought about the daemon legacies and for obvious reasons, i had to post about it here i'm never putting these books back up and i have no idea if anyone who read them is still here, but don't mind the spoilers. just thought that originally at the end of anarchy (book 2), erin lets mikkel go (thanks to her dumb brother john as if she has no thoughts of her own RIP) and her and jax become an item was lying there the other day and realized in reality, erin wouldn't have done that. realistically, she probably would've defied john and left with mikkel. which would delay jasperin by leagues (still endgame though), but the story would've been so much more interesting had i originally done that (i mean, think character dynamics alone! so much potential). but you can expect only so much from a book written by a 16 y/o, right? anyway that's about it. i'll take my leave now. hope you're all staying safe and healthy in the middle of this pandemic! take care, lovelies~

@Jamie-Michelle omg jamie!!!! i'm so glad i logged back on or else i never would've seen this. it's so so good to hear from you <3 i am doing amazing, i hope you're doing well too!

@lokiofasgard_ Wow, seeing this post brought back thousands of memories :) I hope you're doing well my old friend :)