
I’m back and will be doing my best to update my wattpad as much as possible. I have so many ideas buzzing around in my head and want to get them all out for everyone to read soon


If you could pick any Mr. Hiddleston character (aside from Loki), to be real who would it be, and what would your dynamic with them be? Bonus if you want to include Loki how do you think your dynamic with him be? And what do you think would be the most unexpected part in your relationship with both Loki and the Mr. Hiddleston chatecter of your choice?


Loved your Loki Christmas one shots honestly is some of the best writing ever. It is just some amazing and made me cry in the best of ways. Not to mention your other works are just as amazing so thanks for it. I am so glad for the work you contributed to the Loki fandom. Seriously it is the bomb.com and if you are looking for fanfic recommendations I have tons if you ever need any. Other then that thanks for reading this and I am so glad I stumbled onto your work.


I am really wanting to write something new for you guys but I cannot seem to find the ambition nor the inspiration to do so. I am trying my best to get inspired but there is a major writer's block hanging over me. Please stay tuned though as I hope to get back into it as soon as I possibly can.


@lokisxmischief I hope you can find the inspiration, good luck :)) 