Hi! I hope you're having an amazing day! If not, I'm sorry :((( Wish I could help

~5 things I love~
1. Dogs
2. Food
3. Books
4. Animals
5. The dentist (yes, I'm fucking weird like that)

~5 things I hate~
1. Human interaction before 12pm
2. Small talk
3. Introverts(okay, hate is a strong word, but like it's annoying)
4. Mean cats (definitely not thinking of anyone in particular...)
5. Twilight (I'm not even sorry, and NO this is not up for debate)

<3Books I will always love<3
Narnia (although I am forever cautious with Turkish delights)
Percy Jackson (the movies were such a disappointment)
Harry Potter
Pride and Prejudice
Anything by Patrick Ness really

~My Hobbies~

If you read all this...you probably have more energy than me right now.

If you wanna read my book then YAY! If not then, I mean, you do you bro.
  • Narnia. I will never stop climbing into random closets.
  • JoinedJanuary 8, 2017

12 Reading Lists