Well from the end of last year to this moment in time 3 of my favorite bands have lost a member and I really hope that that's the end of it because I don't know if I can take another member leaving
Well from the end of last year to this moment in time 3 of my favorite bands have lost a member and I really hope that that's the end of it because I don't know if I can take another member leaving
Okay my beautiful followers in case you didn't just get an email about a new story i just posted called An Arranged Marriage To David Escamilla and in case you don't know who that is well i am very sorry but he is the screamer in one of my all time favorite bands Crown the Empire i got bored wit Studded Leather Jacket and need a co-writer to help me get out of that rut that its in so help and go check out my new story the first chapter is more of a description though
so rigt now i am currently going trough a huge ADTR phase and i want to create a new story but i feel like you guys deserve an update for Studded Leather Jacket thsat update might be short. Let me know cause i can have a new story up bye tonight