Hello again! I just realized that it's been a... pretty long time since I updated. Or, to be frank, since I actually wrote. No, I am not suffering from depression or writer's block or any of that. I am suffering from College (TM). In case you missed the last post, this college is also halfway across the world. Quite literally halfway. I'm writing this in a dorm room in the New York countryside (it's freezing, in case you were wondering). So, first, it's almost midnight which is probably why I'm dumping on the internet and forcing you guys to read it. Sorry, I try to keep this sort of thing to a minimum and also feel free to tell me to knock it off. Second, I've been here for 2 months and I'm homesick. Third, Why Is College So Much Work the upperclassmen were not kidding wait what do you mean it gets WORSE??? Anyway. I do try to write, but no promises. Maybe I can get something done during Thanksgiving Break, which is... 3 weeks away. I can do this... And in the meantime, please feel free to talk. I miss you guys.
@lolaeverye heyyy :))) sorry I saw this late, but feel free to vent here, after all it is a free platform :) don't worry, take your time when you write, life really does get in the way doesn't it? And don't worry, it's not so bad taking a short break from writing. Your studies take first priority, alright? Make sure not to overwork yourself :D