
Got KH2.8 and oooooh my gosh 0.2 is so beautiful!


@crystaldolphin42 Yes there are!  My favourite is soraalam1's playthrough, he's got a playlist of the whole game.  And thegamersjoint is doing daily updates for his blind (aka first reaction) playthrough.


*squeals in excitement* Do you know if there are any playthroughs out yet on YouTube? I can't actually play the game but I REAAAALLY want to see the cutscenes


Got KH2.8 and oooooh my gosh 0.2 is so beautiful!


@crystaldolphin42 Yes there are!  My favourite is soraalam1's playthrough, he's got a playlist of the whole game.  And thegamersjoint is doing daily updates for his blind (aka first reaction) playthrough.


*squeals in excitement* Do you know if there are any playthroughs out yet on YouTube? I can't actually play the game but I REAAAALLY want to see the cutscenes


Key To My Heart has 101,000 reads!   Thank you so very much to everyone who's read, commented, and voted over the years!  I've been inactive for a long time and have pretty much left fanfic writing behind me.  But KTMH will always have a special place in my heart for being my first ever fanfiction and something that I put a lot of effort and time into to make it not too terrible  Thank you again for your support! ❤