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top me please.
@lolfunsized i guess because i’ve never really met anyone so straightforward as you . / HE REALLY IS A SIMP THO — NO SHAME
@maneatr i mean , yeah — i’m also just surprised . * he admitted as he scratched the back of his neck * / IM CACKLING LMAOOO YOU REALLY JUST EXPOSED HIM LIKE THAT “SIMP”
/ can you not fuck up my insides pls and thank you.
/ y’all still alive ?? * eye emojis *
give !! me !! cuddles !! right !! now !!
here’s your suit, lang. i made sure to polish it too —
* the girl rolled her eyes, setting down the case that held the suit with ease. after, she turned to face him with her jaw fixed * i don’t think YOU understand the potential threat to this. i get that you’re capable of handling yourself. otherwise, you wouldn’t have been trusted with a suit. but if ANYONE gets their hands on it, we’ll be fucking screwed. you got it? especially if that someone knows how to dissect it. those pym particles are crazy powerful and do some crazy shit.
@fromiron * he respectfully removed his hands from her shoulders and allowed his brows to furrow slightly at her comment * i don’t need your bodyguards , morgan . i’m capable of looking out for myself . you helped me out and i appreciate that but you can stop now , seriously . * it was then he realizes d he could’ve been more easy with his tone but he couldn’t help it . he was tired of being compared to his uncle when it came to the negatives — it irked him . *
* her brow quirked up, not necessarily comfortable with the gesture. it wasn’t a huge issue for her, but merely a peeve. brushing his hands off, she forced a smile * i do, but that’s why i’m SENDING bodyguards and a lock so i don’t have to watch you myself. besides, scott is dependable, but also irresponsible at times
/ okok he’s not a player anymore cause i suck at portraying them so here’s a more gentleman version of him lmao
d'you wanna get ice cream with me ? ((:
maybe u should -- i'd probably crash the car ;(( * / :00 i never got notified for this im sorry i left u hanging like that babey :'(
@starkoffspring who wouldn’t want to hang with you ? you’re one of the best people i know . now , who’s driving ?
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