
Don't know if I should continue writing. Please send me some ideas!!!


OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG Soo, I've only just got my notifications back, and I've just seen how many times you've voted and I'd just like to say a mahousive THANK YOUUUUUU, like, you're amazing. Seriously :) *hugs you to the point of suffocation* :DD xox


hahahaha ur welcome!!


@lolgurl2000 Aww, thank youu :DD


*hug you back harder* XD lol


That is pretty much the cutest background ever :D  I was checking your page to see if you posted your story yet.  Just message me when you do - I would be happy to take a look at it!  Or if you want me to read it over before you post it, I can do that too.  Good luck!


ya i would love if u could read over it before! thank you! ill send it to u soon!


Hey everyone! I was thinking of deleting my story and writing a version that has the same main idea but it just is more exciting. Tell me what you think i should do please because i know my new version is WAYYYYY better and im thinking i should just start over.


thank you! that helps a lot. I already have a lot of chapters going so i think i probably will but i need more votes on this. so far ur the only one. I will only wait about 3-4 days but then i'm just going to do what i think is best.


Do what you feel you need to.  I find it really liberating to delete a story.  Sometimes you'll get a phoenix story that rises out of the ashes of the old one to be THE story you always wanted to write.  It can take a couple of cycles of deleting to get to the right one.  Look at me and my damned Breaking All the Labels story - I deleted like four versions before I found the one I liked the best.  Write to make yourself happy first.  If you love your story, chances are we will too!!!!  <3 you cutie!