
Jenna is trying to force me into watching Supernatural since she thinks it will consume my soul. Jenna is also a bit cray cray. Don't mind her.
          	Kay <3


this is kay's friend jenna. i am just letting you know that kay didn't get a life, she just found more tv shows that have consumed her soul. just making sure she doesn't fool you into thinking she's cool or something.
          lots of love,
          jenna <3


GUYS! Sad you know school has started and so that means less updates :( I will update when I can since I also have gymnastics, dance, drum lessons, prep for soccer and volleyball tryouts, AND glee club. Yea, I'm very involved. So I hope you will stick around and read my stories :) Thanks xx


@A-5sos-Janoskianator I have school too lol. it's very hard to juggle it all.