
I deleted the epilogue because people were saying that it was too short, rushed and basically rubbish so I'm sorry but you'll have to wait just a touch longer for the finish xx


          	  its such an great & addicting story that i think (as a reader) we expected more. i want to see how the 3 men, especially Clay, apologize for how they treated & how he didnt trust Honey. We only saw such a short time of them together b4 the drama started



It seems you haven't been on this app since January 2017, so almost two year ago. And I understand that Wattpad is not your whole life. But, as a person who doesn't know you on a personal level, and has just discovered your profile today, It's kinda concerning to see you have no trace of activity on this site after 2 years. I just want to know if your okay. Please Contact me back as soon as you can.