
Okay guys. I'm back for now. Just got my wisdom teeth yanked from my face and my cheeks look like I'm hoarding acorns for winter. Lmao.
          	To those who are new. Welcome! I hope you enjoyed whichever sort you choose to read. Now that I'm back, SBTM should be getting more updates soon!
          	You'll know soon, my little Omegas.


Hi , I just finished Alpha Omega and it's awesome!!! Thank you so much for letting me read it! It said that you are maybe going to do a sequel about  Axel but I'm don't see it. Am I doing something wrong or haven't you posted it, or did you change your mind and not write it? Thanks for reading! 


Okay guys. I'm back for now. Just got my wisdom teeth yanked from my face and my cheeks look like I'm hoarding acorns for winter. Lmao.
          To those who are new. Welcome! I hope you enjoyed whichever sort you choose to read. Now that I'm back, SBTM should be getting more updates soon!
          You'll know soon, my little Omegas.


Due to some personal issues, I will be taking time off from writing. I'm sorry to those who have been wanting to read SBTM. But until I come back, if I so decide to, please enjoy and share AO and RMUA. Don't forget to visit my page, Daraa Ball, the DP is off AOs cover and the CP is of a Pokè ball.