I am a strange hooman who tries to get attention by making these things. Thank you for reading my stories, which makes me feel special. 

(Strange things )About yours truly:

I hate caterpillars if you are one of my friends you'd no why. I am friggin triggered by the sound of nails on a chalkboard or anything scraping at another thing. I get tan after using or applying sunscreen. Idk how it happens it just does. Plus I am a legit vampire. I and Ollie are probably the palest people in our friend group. I use mild language, but sometimes I throw in some parent advised stuff. Usually if I do I'll say something like "Excuse my language, pardon my French , warning , or BIATCHH SOMETHINGS BOUT TO GO DOWN!"

Go over to Ollie @holymotherofmaple

my insta is Lolohairohgeez! Follow me there!
  • my location
  • JoinedDecember 10, 2017


Last Message
lolohairohgeez lolohairohgeez Jun 07, 2018 04:51AM
IVE MADE A NEW SERIES!! Check it out...it’s great, it’s about bitchy friends and huge shrimp!! (Not really about shrimp)
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