
Hey guys!:) I just want to say Happy New Year! 
          	My New Year Resolutions:
          	Get rid of fear of treadmills.
          	Stop insulting people mentally.
          	Get over the death of Thorin in BotFA.


Heyyyy:) I personally have no idea why I'm even posting this message, but Imll just go along with it. My hands can just type whatever they want, anyway. I guess that I just want to say that you have a pretty good sense of humour, and the two stories that I've read (We Bring the Madness and The Unknown) have always made me laugh.
          Oh, and your self-assurance is kinda admirable I guess.
          I'm hungry now. Posting messages, surprisingly, can make one hungry.
          I want ice cream.
          Oh yeah, it would be nice if you update, but I've already gotten used to it. Update when you want to update.


Hi guys!:) I know that I have been on hiatus for a long time due to my most important exams- SA1:( I will be continuing my stories once I get my muse back.
          Problem?: Right now I suddenly have this huge craving for George WeaslyX Oc stories BUT I CANT FIND ANY ON WATTPAD!!!
          Seriously, it's like they all disappeared or something.:(
          So if you guys read HP fanfics, can you introduce me to a few good ones? thanks:)


AHOY MATIE! Yes, my newest obssession is One Piece so shoo:)
          Thanks to all those people out there who read my stories.
          Okies, so I'm admin for a One Piece Watty Awards site with my friends, so feel free to come by:)
          The acc is : OnePiece_Watty 
          Spread the news!:)