
I literally haven't posted on here in months.
          	I'm doing okay! Thank you to those of you who continually checked up on me! 
          	Unfortunately, I'm still living with my parents. But, I do have a job now! I love it so much!!!


@lolzfanfics  I'm so glad you're better now! Congratulations for the job! : D


I literally haven't posted on here in months.
          I'm doing okay! Thank you to those of you who continually checked up on me! 
          Unfortunately, I'm still living with my parents. But, I do have a job now! I love it so much!!!


@lolzfanfics  I'm so glad you're better now! Congratulations for the job! : D


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Bigger life update:
          The restaurant I was supposed to work for fucked me over big time and I had to break my apartment lease and move back with my parents. But, I was able to start working in my hometown at a wine bar.
          It’s been a long year  But, I’m okay right now. 


Hello everyone! I am doing relatively okay. Since my absence, I completed bartending school and am moving in a week to start bartending at one of my favorite restaurants. 
          I’ve still been writing on other platforms, and will continue to do so! 
          I’ve also read so many good books this year, and reading has definitely kept me sane. 
          I want to keep my other writing platforms pretty private, as I don’t write smut on those. But, if you really want to read my work, you can message me for the username! 
          Thank you guys for caring and reading my stories❤️❤️ 


@lolzfanfics  I SCREAMED WHEN I SAW THIS! I'm so happy you're doing better now <33


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I have never had a more depressing month in my life. There has never been a time where I have felt more isolated than I do right now.
          I've been rejected from over 300 jobs, the theater company I used to be a part of no longer wants me in their shows, every time I try to create content with any big name person/company I end up not being allowed to post it and now Wattpad has deleted a story I worked so hard on. Also, my therapy office won't get back with me about scheduling my appointments. 
          My motivation for anything is little to none anymore. I am just so beside myself. Writing is supposed to be my escape, but that has now been taken away from me. 
          Due to this not being the first story of mine Wattpad has so kindly deleted without my knowledge, I will no longer be using this platform for my writing. I'll leave up some of my old work, but a lot of it I'm going to take down myself. I really am over this stupid platform. I've been on it since I was 14 and now I'm 22 and have been fucked over so many times by them. 
          I know a lot of you have started following me because of Stranger Things, and I will forever be grateful for you guys. I still intend to write Stranger Things content on other platforms, but my time on Wattpad is over.
          <3 lolzfanfics


@lolzfanfics I'll try to find some


@bylerr4evaaa  There were over a 100 chapters lol. Here are the ones I remember.
            - Jealous
            - Fun Time is Over
            - Admitting It
            - Moving In
            That's all I remember, sadly.


Do remember some titles?


I’m seriously so disappointed. Wattpad won’t give me my book back. But the thing is, not all of the chapters violated the terms. 
          The chapters I care the most about I will never get back. They weren’t reposted to AO3, either. 
          I think someone saved a couple of my favorite chapters, but that’s it. And now, I’ll have to go back and rewatch the episodes of That 70s Show to rethink of the things I wrote because I love that world I created so much. 
          I’m gonna take a break from Wattpad. I’m gonna private any story with smut, and make copies. And, if I am able to retrieve the chapters someone saved, I’ll make an A03 to post them on and update you all. 


@lolzfanfics Im so so sorry :( thats terrible 


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@ lolzfanfics  Omg I'm so fucking sorry, I wish there was something I could do, take ur time, we'll be here for you <3


So it appears that my FoahXByler oneshots story has been removed. I did not recieve a notice from Wattpad. I am very pissed off as none of those stories are saved anywhere. 
          I submitted a request to try and fix this. I have no words. I worked very hard on that book and now it’s gone. 


I direct messaged you my email. Whenever you can send those screenshots would be great! 


@lolzfanfics yeah okay(but I probably won’t message you for like 6-7 hours)


@BYLER_YAMAHA thank you. Do you just want to email them? I can send you my email.