
4K on the poetry book!!! This is getting crazy, I never thought this would reach so many people, I’m beyond grateful for all of you <3


Can I just say, I feel your words on a different level and I've never related to someone so much. As someone who has made it through this and am now in my first lesbian relationship with my best friend who claimed to be 'straight', I've realized you'll miss having a passion- wanting someone. But see, I'm also sort of a hypocrite because I think the only reason I'm still with her is because I'm afraid to go back to those times where I would cry myself to sleep every night and write poems of girls I couldn't have. I love her but she changed, and I changed. I miss the old her, and the old me, but I can't go back. Things will get better- for all of us, but reading your thoughts have given me enough reason to say I love you as a person. Good luck with everything:)



I love your style of poetry especially when you write longer bits. I just started some of my own poetry collection called simply my poetry and I would love feedback.


Thank you so much <3  I’ll give your stuff a read as well and give some feedback :)