I love that story about Bud so far! Never been so interested in story. Keep up the good work (:

@_kennclarkm oH gosh. Thank you so much! I haven't been feeling super motivated lately and I haven't been on Wattpad as much as I'd like to, but like THANK YOU this means so much. Bud was created when I doodled a lil guy with an umbrella with a bunch of rainbow water stuff falling on him and my friend pointed at it and said "That's gay!" and I nodded and told her he was quite gay. After a few days, it kinda just morphed into a whole character and I spent s o m u c h time on his character design and since I can't draw at all I have another friend that draws all the pictures for Bud and I do all the little doodles that kinda resemble a human? I've recently gotten back into the flow of writing more and I'll definitely be working on Bud more, chapter 8 is being painstakingly penned out and I'll try my best to not disappoint. So happy you're here to watch him grow and develop <3