My name should indicate my current status ... New to writing so my skills may be zero but hope you enjoy it anyways ... Would love to read yours as well
  • St Lucia
  • Se ha unidoFebruary 10, 2017

Último mensaje
lonerchique lonerchique Oct 10, 2018 08:59PM
If you can't escape physically ... Escape mentally .. It'll piss them off - Loner
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Historias de Loner
RBS (Reasons Beyond Sanity) de lonerchique
RBS (Reasons Beyond Sanity)
Reasons Beyond Sanity Just some original random poems or whatever comes to mind ... its basically a way to r...
ranking #1 en shortessays Ver todos los rankings
Castaway Love  de lonerchique
Castaway Love
This story is about a woman who's name as well as the countless others she encounters are not mentioned and t...
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