They asked the question, best additude at soundcheck?
Mike: Vic "It's usually pretty easy to deal with us on a daily ritual, quick and easy."
Tony: Vic " Vic's usually pretty happy to be there, he's got a good additude at sound check. I usually don't want to be there, I'm always angry at sound check."
Jaime: Vic "Vic usually like soundchecking, but if you were the lead singer for the band why wouldn't you be, he doesn't even sing the soundtrack, he does the least so he just sits there and looks pretty. oh the perks of being the lead singer, I'm just the bassist."
Jaime you are not just a bassist, you're one of the best bassist in the world also, he did like four solo songs, they were soooo good he has an amazing voice and I was so suprised that he could sing like that, I highly suggest you listen to them, if you want the links to them request them in the comments.
I am the lead singer for my band, which isn't fully organized yet, but there are still many available positions so if you know how to play the drums, the rhythm electric, or the bass also if you're interested in doing one of those instruments and also being backup singer you can do that, I'm the singer and lead electric guitarist so if maybe you're interested and maybe want to tryout sometime or learn more about it feel free to messenge me.