
To answer your questions, I'm not writing a sequel to Little Things. It's nothing against you guys, but I just can't commit myself to another fan fiction right now. I might, however, write an epilogue chapter later on.
          	Also, I'll keep writing one-shots from time to time, so go check the ones I have so far!
          	Once again, thanks for reading and all the feedback! Xx 


hey, i read (but never finished!) your book little things when i was 13. im 15 now and recognized it in my old accounts library, so now im reading it again. i used to write cs fics but over time i grew out of the show and just stopped watching. ive recently rekindled because a friend was looking for something to watch, and i suggested it. ive rewatched three of the seasons and found myself wandering back to old roots. so i would like to thank you for making your beautiful fic and re-interesting me into cs fics. thank you!


@captainswanislife thank you so much! this is so kind!


To answer your questions, I'm not writing a sequel to Little Things. It's nothing against you guys, but I just can't commit myself to another fan fiction right now. I might, however, write an epilogue chapter later on.
          Also, I'll keep writing one-shots from time to time, so go check the ones I have so far!
          Once again, thanks for reading and all the feedback! Xx 


the chapter that will come up next originally leans towards the M rated side. However, I will post the PG13 version here. The M version will surely go in fanfiction.net. If you'd like more info, please ask. Or, if you're okay or not okay with the M version here, tell me that too.