
Gonna repost my stories, only previews until finished or while I work on them. Gonna start with GABI as I'm currently writing the 1st draft and a preview for the 2nd draft of OBTS. NSWF will have a 1st draft preview until I begin working on it again after. Then I'll post a preview for FTTS. Maybe I'll even do those random one offs I've got floating around as well, mainly previews just to see where interest lies. Not sure still whether I'll post full final drafts here yet or not though for many reasons. Just something to do for now and I'll decide later. 
          	Thank you to anyone who has joined me through this and showed me any support. It's much appreciated and I wish you all the best in your story journeys.  
          	~ Stay well blossoms ❤


Gonna repost my stories, only previews until finished or while I work on them. Gonna start with GABI as I'm currently writing the 1st draft and a preview for the 2nd draft of OBTS. NSWF will have a 1st draft preview until I begin working on it again after. Then I'll post a preview for FTTS. Maybe I'll even do those random one offs I've got floating around as well, mainly previews just to see where interest lies. Not sure still whether I'll post full final drafts here yet or not though for many reasons. Just something to do for now and I'll decide later. 
          Thank you to anyone who has joined me through this and showed me any support. It's much appreciated and I wish you all the best in your story journeys.  
          ~ Stay well blossoms ❤


Small update of a bit of the same unfortunately; 
          For the time being I will post a few chapters of Once Bitten, Twice Shy and Find Time To Spare soon. When I finish the drafts of GABI and NSWF I will do the same for those but until I know confidently what I want to do with this series that is it... 
          I say this too much but I'm trying to just... live really. Idk, not gonna dump it all here but just giving a bit of info. There's just a lot going on, a lot of uncertainty, and I'm struggling moving forward at the moment is all


@Sohinigoswami thank you, much appreciated. I wish the same for you


            Hey, I just stumbled across your profile. 
            Sending loads of well wishes. I hope everything gets better soon. 
            Take care ☆ 


Another holiday season has come and as every year I'm bogged down by my emotions and thoughts. I've taken down my drafts because I've decided I only want to publish my finished version but at the moment, on Wattpad anyway, they are only going to be previews. I'm honestly really excited to finish my revisions. It's been a long time coming. I just need to get my head on straight after the holidays. I hope everyone else's season is going well and you all have a merry time this year coming and going. If anyone has something to say, I'm all ears. More info to come
          ~ Keep blossoming ❤


Since I'm busy revising at the moment, taking a short break from GABI, I looked back through Stella's story. Digging through my notes to organize a rough rubric to work the second draft by I found her nursery rhyme. It warmed my heart though it's still not quite perfect, for me at least(I think the syllables just aren't right). So since I don't know when I'll post something here again, that's not a draft, here's a little lullaby I wrote from her mother's perspective;
          "La Mia Stella don't you cry. 
          You’ll be alright, come morning light.
          If you’re scared, I’ll wipe your tears.
          In my arms the shadows disappear.
          My heavy hands are yours to hold.
          Mommy will never leave you cold.
          Your souls a fire, shine your light
          And we’ll trade sleep for one more night.
          If you can’t see me, close your eyes.
          Hear my words, I’m by your side.
          When you’re alone, just stay right there.
          The moment’s fleeting, I’m still right here.
          I'll sing this song for one last time.
          La mia anima, remember you’ll be alright.”
          ~ Sleep tight blossoms ❤


Lol I get so depressive sometimes, it feels like I’m back in high school. So many complaints, so little brain capacity. Wattpad really makes me laugh sometimes though. Anyway, enough ruminating over petty things that don’t matter. Hope all my small authors remember your story is important. Please keep sharing and take care of yourselves. There is always a space somewhere willing to hear you
          ~ Stay awesome blossoms ❤


@simp4swordsmen No thank you, dear, I'm glad I could be of some use ♡


@lookinprettyGrim That brought a smile to my face. I'll try my best to take care, and you should as well. Thanks <3


Took a short vacation for my own mental health. I use that excuse a lot I feel but it’s really no joke. I struggle keeping my emotions in check sometimes, as I’m sure a lot of you do. It’s no excuse but it’s important to know your limits and not push yourself over the edge, people… I’ve come pretty close. There’s a lot I could say but it wouldn't really mean anything, just thought I’d make this announcement. I will be trying to update GABI by tomorrow to keep some semblance of a schedule going. It’s my own personal goal to complete this and SWF by the end of this year. As with every year though, as the cold weather approaches up here I get a bit sidetracked. 
          ~ Stay healthy blossoms ❤


I kill characters a lot. Gonna have to fix that, it's a bit morbid when you think about it. 
          Anyway... Just thought about this while scanning through TTB so I could take it down. I'll repost it later as Find Time To Spare. Same with NON, will be reposted as Once Bitten, Twice Shy. I will wait until final revisions though, and maybe even until I've finished the first drafts of GABI and SWF. I'm not trying to plan too much anymore, just going with the flow because I may not even put them up here anymore. It's hard telling these days where my time is worth it but right now this feels right. My skills/confidence aren't worth much though so just giving it time
          (I heard once, don't remember exactly where, that you're never truly wasting time. There's no reason to stress about how far or fast you are progressing in life because there's no way to tell whether you aren't exactly right where you need to be. So just keep doing you, what makes you comfortable/happy. As long as you are trying that's all that matters. Take your time everyone. )
          All my love
          ~ Stay awesome blossoms ❤


*deep breath in, deep breath out. Try to get centered*
          Happy birthday to me! Another year older, another year of learning
          The later half of this year has been a mess. So much has happened, so much stress and instability. There's barely been a week where something hasn't turned me on my head. I can complain gripe with the beast of them but It doesn't solve anything.  Just gotta step back and take a breath and boot take anything so seriously. It all serves it's purpose in the end. I can't wish for much but I can try my best. Hopefully next year is better. I've been over thinking writing lately so I'm going to work on that. I have my drafts and I can write whatever story I want and I'm able to write when I please. Can't ask for more right now. The journey never ends people
          ~ Stay awesome blossoms ❤


@simp4swordsmen haha thank you, it was wonderful


@lookinprettyGrim Happy Birthday! I hope it is a good one!