Aw geeze, I haven't published anything in like a year! I guess the first thing I should say is sorry to all of you who were really looking forward to reading my stuff. I'm not going to make any promises of a more frequent publishing schedule, but I will be writing more often. First, let me explain a few things.
A friend of mine plans to start a publishing company, and he actually hired me as an editor. That being said, I'd like to see if I can get something here published, which is why I've taken up writing again. Please please please, give me feedback on everything. And I mean EVERYTHING. Grammer, spelling, story, etc. I want to hear opinions so I can know what to fix. Nothing's getting published if I don't put a lot of heart and soul into it.
An another note, I'm about to start my first semester of college, and I have no idea if that will give me more or less time to write, which is why I'm not making any publishing promises.
Thank you to everyone who was patient through this last year!