
ICSY is under re-vamping and will be up again tm !


Hi I notice that your book Not Alot, Just Forever has the same first and last name as my OC in my book. They both moved to Forks because their uncle Harry died. Did you maybe take inspiration? I understand coincidence happen I was just genuinely surprised and confused when I saw it.


@namelesssluv great minds think alike indeed !!! Thank you for asking bc i lowkey think its crazy we have the same character lol. Thank you !!


Ohh okay thanks for clearing that up. Great minds think alike! Good look with your book, your writing is amazing.


@namelesssluv Hi, this is a coincidence. I named her Andrea bc that is the birth name of a character in The Originals and I've always found it beautiful. I made her a Clearwater bc it fit my plot and bc no other Quilette name had a good reason to move back to the reservation and Harry's death is in New Moon, the movie I wanted Drea to appear in. I promise I had no idea your account or book existed