
happy valentines to all my pookies<3


Penultimate chapter of Sonder just posted. I did cry thinking of the plot, and when I was writing it, and when I was rereading it, and right now as I think about how this book is three years old and only almost finished now.<3
          -Sincerely, Bee.


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Excuse me ☝, why the fuck are there a hundred of yous? This revelation has now made doing my history homework a little better. Seriously, thank all you losers so much. 
          -Sincerely, Bee. 


‘Elloooo. Is it currently 3:30 am? Yes. Did I just finish yet an another cover for cotton candy skies? Also yes. I kind of need you guys’ opinion on it, do you prefer this minimalism or the polaroid covers?
          -Sincerely, Bee.