If by any chance you stumble with this, I would like to tell you that I'll be leaving soon. There is something wrong with my digestion and I find it difficult to continue my life anymore. I'll be awake most nights suffering from this and I don't want to burden my family cause just like what they always say, I've brought this to myself. But trust me, I don't want any of these to happen. I thought I was fit just like what I read here on wattpad to take challenges and do a lot of activities but it turns out I am not carved out to be like any of these characters. It's already late when I figured this out, I should have been more careful. I am not strong, I can only do a few things and that's all.
I'm on my last year in college, taking up a course I learned to love. But what if I don't make it? Should I just fulfill my bucketlist?
Can you please share your thoughts with these two questions? thanks in advance
What does living means to you?
What would you tell a dying person?