
Going over Ever After over the next few weeks and doing some editing and cleaning up. Bare with me. 


A new chapter of Ever After will be up tonight. It will be a longer one, I've been working on it for a while, however, you guys probably won't like it very much. It's sloppy and it kind of jumps a bit, skipping a bit. Just remember that tonight's chapter is not the end of the story.


I'm in the process of writing a chapter for Ever After. I am also in the process of writing first chapters for several different stories. All fanfictions of the twilight variety bc I'm obsessed. Whichever one i finish first is the story I am going with but i have big plans for all  . I'm thinking the one that will end up winning will be a Twilight/TVD crossover that takes place during new moon so I apologize for that but you know.  just saying... stay tuned, folks. 


Book idea.. Let me know what you guys think? 
          What if Edward knew about Bella 86 years before she came into his life? ; when Edward stops rebelling against Carlisle a few years after he is created, he learns of something that has not yet happened - his future. He doesn't believe it, of course. However when people start coming into his life that are mentioned in this future, he has no choice but to believe that Bella just might be real as well. 


@lordsasskins this is a unique plot line! Do write and expand! I'll surely read! 


Would anyone be interested in a "The Vampire Diaries" fanfiction? I have an idea. Won't write it if no one is interested though. 


@lordsasskins i feel you.. I had originally planned for it to be a twilight fan fiction but I'm kind of concerned that it won't fit into the "twilight scene" not that any of my fanfictions do - this is just a real stretch  aha. It would be the first twilight fanfiction on this account that would actually be with vampires. I just think people would freak out at how I wrote Edwards character. Lmao. 


@lordsasskins personally, I am more of a twilight fan. I don't know about the others, but I personally wouldn't read it. Not because it'll be bad, it's just not my cup of tea.


Got some good/bad news ; "my legacy of lies" (all human twilight fanfiction) will be completed within a couple of chapters. That's right ; I'm wrapping it up. These past few days I've uploaded quite a few new chapters and honestly this fanfic is my favorite that I've ever done, but I know exactly where its going! I wish I could drag it on, but I know exactly where I want to take it and unfortunately it's going to be done quickly. I have each chapter meticulously planned and I'm hoping to be editing by this time next week! The book isn't near as read as I want it to be, so it breaks my heart to be finishing. I do hope more people discover it and enjoy it, but to those who are reading and enjoying ~ thank you for sticking around. I am so thankful for your support! 


Just letting you all know that new chapters of "Ever After" and "My legacy of lies" will be posted within the next couple days!! ☺️


@tweetybugs1897 heyy I was wondering if u were going to update any time soon ? Of course I understand that ur busy but ur fanfictions are my favorites