
Hey guys! Sorry for being really inactive (I know I'm always inactive but this time I'm serious). Its just that there's a lot going on and I don't really know how to find my focus and concentration to write yet. I hope you guys understand. There was a lot that happened during this past week around the whole globe and I don't think I can write with that thought. I'm still waiting for some news saying that its all okay now. Maybe then I'll be able to write. If you guys read my latest post on MCBOT , you'll probably notice the lack of length and I'm really sorry for that. I just wanted you guys to be aware of what's happening before going to hiatus (I WILL be coming back in just a few days or weeks though). That's all and I hope you guys understand. I swear I'll try my best to update after this whole thing is at peace.


Boa tarde, recentemente terminei minha obra literária de título: Rave o caçador, a profecia. Estória que narra a vida de um grupo de jovens de uma cidade corrompida e dominada por homens de pouca moral que controlam o povo com truculência, fome e miséria. Um dos jovens se destaca, Rave seu nome, irmão de Kate. Garota fiel e devota ao seu grupo, que na maioria são crianças desamparadas. Nosso herói se destaca e logo Uma profecia é associada a ele. Eles fogem com medo de serem assassinados, alguns povos antigos de onde a profecia se origina os protegem, e começa uma guerra de grandes proporções. A aventura é regada de romances, batalhas, caçadas, traições, laços de amizade, relação de amor e ódio e uma mensagem de fé e perseverança nos idéias filosóficos dos povos originários da profecia. 
          Dê uma lida! Vai gostar! 


Hey guys! Sorry for being really inactive (I know I'm always inactive but this time I'm serious). Its just that there's a lot going on and I don't really know how to find my focus and concentration to write yet. I hope you guys understand. There was a lot that happened during this past week around the whole globe and I don't think I can write with that thought. I'm still waiting for some news saying that its all okay now. Maybe then I'll be able to write. If you guys read my latest post on MCBOT , you'll probably notice the lack of length and I'm really sorry for that. I just wanted you guys to be aware of what's happening before going to hiatus (I WILL be coming back in just a few days or weeks though). That's all and I hope you guys understand. I swear I'll try my best to update after this whole thing is at peace.


u should have just like, stuck with one book at a time. kse its more difficult to update how many books at the same time. xD GURL, U BETTAH UPDATE RED. CUZ THAT ISH IS AWESOME. =)) I mean, wolves and all. ^_^


@dragmedownaf_ omf this was posted like, last year and I just saw this now.


@eterniTEEshirt ikr I'm like 'hey I like werewolves update the story'