
so sadly my book called ,, the devil is real" is going to take SUPEERRRR long so i started to write little poems about my  crush. I would like to ask yall if you read it could you give me a feedback? i wanna know what i need to change or sum.
          	thank you for the attention!!


Hi! I was wondering if you would like to do a read, vote, comment, follow, reading list for  read, vote, comment, follow, reading list. In this exchange we do all the following listed for each others novels:
          -ACTUALLY read
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          This allows for our stories to get the attention they both deserve and it helps us fellow writers meet other writers! Thank you! Sincerely,


so sadly my book called ,, the devil is real" is going to take SUPEERRRR long so i started to write little poems about my  crush. I would like to ask yall if you read it could you give me a feedback? i wanna know what i need to change or sum.
          thank you for the attention!!


hogy kell ferfiakkal beszelni


@loriszeretinikit idk ㅋㅋ attól függ 


Yall nincs kedvem elballagni:/ Akarmennyire is utalhatom az osztalyom 8 ev az 8 ev es hianyozni fognak:( +mar csak 1 honap van es minnel kozelebb kerulunk a ballagashoz annal jobban maradni akarok. persze tudjuk majd tartani a kapcsolatot hisz diakmunkara az osztalyfonokunkhoz megyunk de meg sem lesz ugyan olyan:((