My mommy must feel real proud of herself (she pulled a "let me see your arms" and now I'm grounded for even longer and not allowed to shut or lock my door + long sleeves are banned now. All bc she found out abt my sh.)
Damn- I hope you will recover soon :( you don't deserve to be grounded, if you aren't passing a good time you need someone to stay by your side and help you
@kie_luvsyou_ holy fucking shit. I hope your arms recover. She should be signing you up for therapy to get you better (and get a therapist who actually understands you and your needs and your struggles) Not grounding you…
Officially accepting Valentine offers atp (Vi can rail me all day every day all night all day no lube no protection from the kitchen to the bedroom on every surface with the hexstrap without the hexstrap on the wall on the bed on the desk on my knees every position)