OMG YOUR DESCRIPTION! I LOVE THEM ALL TOO!! By the way, I'm Frances and I'd like to request a tal fishman one shot imagine. Thanks! (I see you like penis parker and neil the church boy *wink* *wink*)
Hi, I started writing a new book and I would be sooooo grateful if you would check it out. If you have any criticism, I am all ears. Thank you and have a great day!
I honestly don’t know ♀️ but that’s ok! It doesn’t matter:) if I have one person who doesn’t like the book! I have all of you that actually enjoy the book!!!
okay um your account seems super cool and you seem so like me and I love it what. plz be my friends lmao I sound desperate I assure you I'm not but we seem so alike I love it. I also Stan Tom fyi