Plz don't judge me for what i am about to say... Also i need some opinions and help:
So my family is very very VERY much agents furrys...
And recently i have been getting more and more furry videos on my for you pages and honesty i enjoy watching them. And it got me thinking: "what if I was a furry"
So i started to kinda... Act? Like an animal(not gonna name which animal though bcuz i am to embarrassed) anyways i only act like that at school and the more i act the way i want the more friends i am loosening.
And as i stated. My parent's are agents furrys so i cant act how i want soooo...
And also i can't buy anything i would like for this. Its not like i want a full on BODY SUTE! All i would like is a mask and a tail.
Anyways idk what to do and i just need some help, comfort, ideas mabey? idk