Though probably nobody will read this I’d like to say a few things
Recycle. do you want humanity to die by 2050?
Stop grouping people by one thing like being gay from a boy’s view is wearing make up every two seconds, I know some do (you do you) but some don’t also, don’t make them all the same cause they’re not
We’re all people and have feelings, stop spreading hate everywhere just because you’re not happy don’t ruin someone else’s.
Don’t hurt other people, you don’t know what they’ve been through even if you wanna hurt them don’t they might be on the brink of doing some drastic so just don’t Knives can be pulled out but words are there forever, think about what you say before saying it what’s the effect of it? Would it hurt someone I love or someone you know? Would it offend someone? Would it cause a drastic change in a bad way? Think about what you say
Just felt like saying that, sorry and if you’re reading this then thank you
Love you guys