
          	Can you believe it? Finallyyyyy. 


Guess who's just honestly been beyond lazy and busy? (If there was a way to be both at the same time)
          Yep, me.
          Writing has fallen low on my priority list recently with finals at school fast approaching and family parties and school concerts and everything. That's why I've become so mute and inactive.
          I'm hoping to switch that around. *hoping*
          I'm aiming to post Sunday, really am. Hold me to that please, like seriously, spam my inbox if I don't. But hopefully I will.
          Maybe you guys are only being patient because you're in similar situations.
          Either way, I'm extremely grateful.
          Ps, notice my new summer haircut?


Happy Friday!
          Finally posted chapter 5 of Matches. Some might say it's a pretty saucy chapter (ba dum tis). Hope you enjoy:)
          Ate me a piece of breakfast pizza this morning, pretty yummy. 
          Updating this weekend will be tricky because I am beyond busy. Maybe I'll have time to post a poem since those are quicker to write.
          So next up this weekend 4/18-4/19:
          -New poem in Filipenduous 
          -First *draft* of Matches ch 6


Tomorrow = more school = a bus ride = more writing time
          It's practically all the time I have at the moment. My teachers and their homework assignments have made sure of that.
          Just me, my iPod, earbuds, a bunch of music, and the ideas in my head.
          Next to update Tomorrow, 9/16 (Time Permitting):
          -A new chapter in Matches
          -A poem on Filipenduous