
Happy New Year everybody :) 


RUMOUR: Dan Smith is going to the Oscars next year as Doctor Dan, D, Bro Dan, Danny, Daniel. It’s been heavily implied by Dan himself that all of his characters are nominated for the best Male actor award. 
          There’s nobody else in the category apart from Dan Smith.


I’m so over the moon with Love Fame Tragedy’s new song. I knew the title of it (and it’s existence) for a little while now, but I’m thrilled to hear the final product. It makes me so happy because these two artists have been in my life for years and years...and they’ve finally joined forces! Dan’s pissed off vibe made the second half of the song more incredible. He is a vocal genius. As for Murph, he’s perfect as ever! It was like watching beauty (Murph in a snazzy suit assemble) and the beast (Dan being a south London Cinderella) 
          I LOVE IT. 
          The perfect collaboration! I wouldn’t have asked for a better song. 


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I’m working super hard on trying to make my old books more update over on @doom_days (it’s really challenging! And also my younger self had no idea how fucked up fics are of a 16 year old girl and 27 year old Dan! Bloody ell >delete delete delete< tbh I was like younger than 16 at the time lol) 


I woke up with the most blessed news possible. Thank you Hall H (@ SDCC). Thank you Taika. Thank you Kevin. Thank you to the cast of Black Widow.
          I cannot wait to wrap my eyes around Thor: Love & Thunder (November 2021), Black Widow (May 2020), as well as the Disney+ shows! 


Happy birthday to one of the most underrated singer/songwriter of the millennia! Love you 3000 DanDan’s ♥️

