
So incredibly sad about the death of Alan Rickman. He was an amazing actor, and will be remembered forever. He's changed so many lives. I will forever be a fan of his brilliance, and may he rest in peace. 
          	Thank you for reading,


Hi guys! So I know I haven't been active in a while, but I really just needed a break from all this. I'll be back soon hopefully, but it may take longer between updates once the school year starts because I'm going into high school, and I may not have much writing time depending on how much homework I get. See you guys later!


Hi guys! So I'm going to a summer camp tomorrow, and I won't be back until Sunday next week, so no updates until then sorry. I know I haven't been updating recently like I said I would be, but I have multiple drafts in the works that will be up once I return. Thanks! ADIOS


Hi guys! Ok, so I have 4 more days of school left, and because of all the finals and projects and stuff I haven't been updating, and I have a dance show on Saturday, but I promise to have updated before the end of June. I'm writing chapters whenever I have time, which hasn't been a lot, but new chapters and new stories will be up soon! Oh, and there is a sequel in the works to My Untold Fairytale, and I'm going to try and write more chapters and then publish as many as I have written on a certain day. I doubt any of that made sense, but OH WELL!!! Oh, and if you ACTUALLY read this, thanks!


Hey guys, If you are reading My Untold Fairytale, I'm just letting you know that I'm currently writing a longer chapter so it may be another day or two before it will be posted. Also, there will be less updates since I have a lot of testing the next couple of weeks, and I'm going to my brother's graduation from college next week. I'll update as much as possible, but no promises on two-three times a week. Thanks, Nat