
I’ve begun a new book of poetry, as I consider carpe diem a closed chapter of my life. Check out the first chapter of TOSSED and grow with me as I find the shoes I want to fill x 


I really do want to read more works on here, but I haven't had the motivation to do much of anything lately. You are all so talented, and I want to appreciate the effort and creativity that you place into every word because I know for a fact you place every single one with care. If there's anything specific you want me to look at, you can tell me and I will do it. X


also, Carpe Diem is nearly at 200 reads which is exciting and terrifying all at once. It's scary having everything in my mind out in the world for people to read and interpret. I do my best to say what I mean, but some things just have to stay with me. Thank you for all your comments and votes, you all make me feel smarter than I really am! I will do my best to keep writing and keep creating even if it's just for myself. I just hope that my words may help someone out there who happens to read them. 


Happy to have found your works... hope more come read you ! more and more and more....


@lostinheavens  will order one up for you at your nearest pizzeria ' ! :))))


Thank you for this. And sorry, I've been going through and deleting my old cringe-worthy posts, but I like pepperoni on my pizza :-)