
Frustrated, hurt, annoyed, disheartened, irritated, angry, depressed, demoralized. 


Too many things from all fronts. I’ll be okay


@lostlovefairy All the hugs. It'll get better eventually.


Frustrated, hurt, annoyed, disheartened, irritated, angry, depressed, demoralized. 


Too many things from all fronts. I’ll be okay


@lostlovefairy All the hugs. It'll get better eventually.


And this is something to keep in mind as well.
          “Content may be falsely identified as AI due to non-native English language use, lacking a personal touch and first-person voice, using complicated vocabularies associated with AI tools, insufficient citations, absence of direct quotes in flagged paragraphs, potential false detection caused by proofreading with Grammarly, and repetition of the same main idea across different paragraphs.”


@lostlovefairy Oh, well there you go! :)


@lostlovefairy -- It's the last chapter of the Candlelight Awards. It may give you some peace.


I ran my first several chapters, which I used the pro version for through Quilbot and it shows as 100% human written. Then ran a random chapter, which I used regular Grammarly without the AI for, and it showed that chapter as being 70% AI generated.
          Anyways, I have decided not to participate in any more awards beyond what I’ve done payment for as I don’t want other authors to make false accusations regarding something I worked hard on.
          Additionally, I have added disclaimers to all my books that I have used Grammarly to edit them in case readers have an issue with it.
          English is my second language, but I speak it fluently. All my coursework was in English, I read novels throughout my life and have written several academic papers that have been published. I believe I have a good grasp of the language. Anyways, I’m not here for the toxicity. After I complete NMLS, I’m done with this platform. I’m here to de-stress, not to increase my stress.


@lostlovefairy I feel really bad for you. It's sad that you have to justify ur hardwork:(


@lostlovefairy I also tried such tools and was just as annoyed because it also showed me parts in texts that are supposedly AI-generated - but they are not. These programmes are not reliable and it would be really annoying if people were blamed who hadn't used AI at all :( I am very sorry that it has affected you too. I hope (!) that this trend doesn't catch on or that people don't rely on these programmes. They are simply not accurate enough :(


Grammarly is fine and having Chatbot is okay to edit your works. Using AI just to write your whole books is what’s going on hrrr 


Okay, so this is a touchy topic.
          I am not a full-time writer. This is something I did to get peace of mind. I initially published after manual editing. But then one of the reviewers of “I’m Right Here” suggested that I use the Grammarly app to edit my books.
          I ran "Stay" and "Stay Mine" through Grammarly blindly and copied and pasted it to Wattpad.
          I was a little more cautious with "I’m Right Here" as I noticed that Grammarly paraphrased some of the sentences in a way I didn't like.
          The initial several chapters of NMLS were edited using the Grammarly pro version, which uses AI. Again, it paraphrased some of the sentences, and I didn't like that, so I reconstructed them manually as I was doing this in real-time.
          After the initial few chapters, I reverted to using the regular Grammarly app as my trial period ran out, and I wasn't impressed enough to buy the pro version.
          The NMLS blurb was written by ME. I ran it through Grammarly but restructured the sentences it changed.
          Due to some concerns expressed, I ran it through Quilbot, and it shows up as 100% AI generated.
          This is very disheartening as I worked hard on the blurb and have changed various aspects of it over time, based on feedback from reviewers.


@watts_writes Thank you for saying that. I guess it isn’t a level playing ground if others aren't using apps to edit their work. So I see their point. 


@lostlovefairy please don’t let this turn you away from participating in awards. You’ve worked hard on your stories and have always been so receptive to feedback. 
            It’s incredibly disingenuous for a writer to make accusations like this while using AI to make their assertions. 
            I write professionally, and I have edited sentences in Quillbot and had it tell me the sentence is AI generated. These sites are themselves AI operated and can’t be trusted. 
            It’s a dangerous thing when people point fingers like this and it makes me so mad. I’m sorry this has impacted you. 


@doctor_turned_writer Thank you so much, girl! Your comments keep me motivated to write. You will love internship, though it’s hectic. :)


Hi everyone 
          Vinaya won second place in best female lead, in the Cloud Awards: Reader’s Choice. Thank you soooooo much for voting for her!


If anyone is checking out my books for the first time, I have just copy pasted the prologue from Stay Mine and used it as the blurb for You said Forever and Always. I’ll fix it later but I found it more apt for YsFaA. Please lemme know what you think.


Hi friends! I have a lot going on in my life right now. So updates may be a little slower. Some of you all know that I moved in with my hubby last month and changed my job. This is the first time we are living together. It’s amazing but it’s also a bit of an adjustment. Very different from living with a room mate 
          I hope you all understand. I will still definitely complete NMLS. But I’m not getting the space I need to create.


Thanks for understanding! You all are the best! ❤️❤️


@lostlovefairy Wow, that's an adjustment. Take care of yourself and figure life out. We can wait. :)


@lostlovefairy  aye you're living with him, I feel so happy. Good luck!


Quick question. When I edit a published chapter and hit publish again, do you all get notified? 


@lostlovefairy -- no problem! I have a new contest up. TEGSA. Check it out!