
* her little sister’s name is apirl, and she is dead as fuuuck


* did i mention she’s sourthern? cause she is . . . PLEASE CB & SPEC


; literally anything  omg


..  sorry  to  interrupt  but  -  you  saw  / what  / ? 


( @lostmysister )
            a .. a  clown  ?  are  you  positive  ..
            like  completely  sure  ?  


( @clownprey )  i - it sounds stupid, i - i know that !  but i think it was a  ( . . . )  clown ?  (    tracy’s eyebrows knit together as she looks down at her feet, trying to think as hard as she could about whatever thing she’d seen lurking the bushes    )  he had uh  ( . . . )  had red hair


listen  to  me.    you  need  to  go  home —   you  (need)  to.   it isn't  safe.


( @fromgallows- )  well s’what you’re acting like !  ‘re all jus’ standing ‘round like a bunch of idiots !  (    tracy internally slaps herself at the way her voice wavers, she can  /  not  /  cry now. it’s not like it’s andi or any of their faults that april’s missing, that apparently there’s some crazy clown running around derry, but she’s tired and she’s frustrated and she’s scared    )  you stopped this thing before, no ?  so why don’t you just do it again !


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BEEN  THE  ARCHER,   @lostmysister :
            clowns ?   fuck,   kid,   way  to  find  a  weak  spot.    {  her  tone  is  nearly  brittle  as  andi  takes  the  younger  girl  in,   cold  eyes  unable  to  help  but  grow  a  little  softer  at  the  steely  front  she's  putting  up.   it's  not  like  she  doesn't  get  where  tracy  is  coming  from.   if  this  were  bev,   she'd  be  snarling.  }    we  don't  (know)  where  she  went.    if  we  did,   d'you  think  we'd  be  standing  around  like  this  was  some  shitty  potluck ?


( @fromgallows- ) ‘m not going   /  anywhere  /   ‘ntil i find my sister or one of you clowns tells me where she went !  (    tracy belle’s hands ball into fists at her sides, but she doesn’t back down under the woman’s gaze, if anything she straights her posture and inches closer    )