Helloo Everybody!
I changed my username. Again.
So now I'm loststars_ (previously mystique_03).
Lost Stars is also possibly the best song ever.
Byee Love youuu xx
Helloo Everybody!
I changed my username. Again.
So now I'm loststars_ (previously mystique_03).
Lost Stars is also possibly the best song ever.
Byee Love youuu xx
@alliesl Thanks you, I'm so glad you were liking it but idk I just couldn't write it beyond a point. it also requires MAJOR editing so im not sure IF or when I'll put it up. Sorry! I'll definitely let u know if I do.
heyyy, you literally just made my day <3 im so happy you're still reading and I promise I'll update asap, it's just that, well, writers block combined with wattpad not working properly is just, VERY annoying :/