Hi. Happy New Years! Its 2020! Yay! I've legit done nothing in the last 3 1/2 months. I'm so sorry.
I saw that I got 100 views on my ft ships opinion book. Thanks so much. I see authors posting on their book, saying thank you for 200 views, and i just think, it isn't that much, but now that I've passed the 100 view mark, its pretty thrilling, to say the least. So thank you for that.
I hope to get a not subscribed chapter done for this month. Though knowing myself, I probably won't. I'll definitely get back into writing this year. Try to update and stuff. I'll see.
I've come up with my new years resolution. I'm really shy, so i think i'm going to try and become more social. Though I probably won't even try.
This last like month, I've gotten into (gose its embarrassing to say) Disney Channel shows. Mostly girl meets world, and then, because of my messed up mind, got into fan fiction of it. So that's what i've been doing for the past month.
So, once again, I'm so sorry for being so bad at updating.
a terrible aut-... Charlotte