
What happened to Wattpad? Well more of the fandoms. The fandoms on here have gotten so toxic and veered away from the original thought. 
          	Everyday I see something about someone else telling others to go report another person and you know what, I'm starting to get sick of it. I get it, bullying is a real thing, but don't bully the bully, that isn't right.
          	So please, can we actually act mature enough to be on here?


H-Hello I'm RosaLin Shigaraki and I want to be a hero


@loud_sunshine Thanks I hope to see ya on the field as well


            That's a good mindset! Keep it up listener! I'll be glad to see you on the field 


@loud_sunshine I can be trusted Plus I am one of the people who can calm him down and plus I want to be a hero no matter what


What happened to Wattpad? Well more of the fandoms. The fandoms on here have gotten so toxic and veered away from the original thought. 
          Everyday I see something about someone else telling others to go report another person and you know what, I'm starting to get sick of it. I get it, bullying is a real thing, but don't bully the bully, that isn't right.
          So please, can we actually act mature enough to be on here?


Tamaki ran up to the teacher with stars in his eyes. "Mic! Look what I found!" The usually shy angel said. He unfolded the blanket in his arms to reveal a black and white kitten that seemed to be around 6 weeks old 


            Yamada tried thinking of how small it was and made his judgment call. "You probably should take it to the vet but the toys not yet. The little guy looks just too small at the moment." Yamada gave the student a bright smile. "I bet if you go find Eraserhead, he'll help you smuggle the little guy in and set you up."


            Tamaki wrapped the kitten back up. "Do you think I should get it some toys and take it the vet?" He asked, rocking the kitten


            Yamada nodded with a small chuckle. "I know some. From how small this little fella looks, he's going to need a formula of some kind and lots of warmth." He thought for a moment trying to think of what else the tiny little creature needed.


Bro u good? Just checking in.


            Ye my Art Kids Cult lol. And im fully online and last time i was on online class it was a f*cking disaster. Idk how but i acted like i got a bad grade in tech when somehow i got a B .w.


            Your cult? I love that! But I'm glad! Don't worry, I've already started school. Are you blended, full remote or in class


There’s a lot of drama


@loud_sunshine It’s Joke But i changed my anon but lately there’s been a lot of people reported 